همراهان همیشگی گیگ بوی امروز با یکی دیگر از نرم افزار های شرکت Manageengine در کنار شما هستیم ، نرم افزار ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Enterprise یک نرم افزار کاربردری است که برای مدیریت خدمات ارائه شده توسط قسمت IT شرکت ها و سازمان ها می باشد که براساس برترین تجارت مدیریتی در حوزه IT که ان را ITIL می نامند طراحی و گسترش پیدا کرده است این نرم افزار به شما کمک شایانی در حوزه مدیریت قرارداهای کاری، شناسه سخت افزاری و نرم افزاری، مشکلات، تغییرات، روابط میان اجزای مختلف واحد ITمی نمایید.
Organizations are increasingly reliant on digital initiatives, like mobile applications and IoT devices, to gain a competitive advantage. While this pushes technological boundaries, the success of these initiatives lies in their reliability over time. Behind the scenes, the IT team ensures the reliability of business operations.
However, even some of the most robust IT teams struggle because they have a different tool for each section of their IT infrastructure (application, network, server, database, etc.) with no integration between these solutions. This siloed approach forces IT admins to wade through a multitude of reports, notifications, and alerts without gaining real-time, contextual visibility into what is happening in their IT environment. A non-integrated IT environment will eventually lead to inconsistent service delivery, a sub-optimal user experience, and even delays in service restoration.
Since the IT service desk acts as a bridge between the business and the IT department, the service desk team understands the practical value IT provides for the business. Integrating your IT environment with the service desk as the epicenter allows IT admins to gain real-time visibility into your organization’s IT infrastructure. This approach helps streamline incidents, reports, notifications, alarms, and alerts by channelling them through the service desk to be categorized, prioritized, and assigned to corresponding technicians accordingly.
اطلاعات فایل
شرکت سازنده: Manageengine
نام انگلیسی: ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Enterprise
تاریخ انتشار: 12/20/2021
منبع: گیک بوی – Geekboy.pro
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Enterprise 10.0 Build 10016
پسورد : www.geekboy.pro