دانلود HPE Custom Image for VMware ESXi 6.0

HPE Custom Image for VMware ESXi

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اگر از سرویس های مجازی VMware استفاده می کنید و سرور hp هم دارید باید بدانید که شرکت hp برای سرورهای خود VMware ESXi را در اختیار کاربران خود قرار می دهد ، شما هم اگر بفکر بالا بردن کارایی سرور خود هستید بهتر است از این نرم افزار استفاده کنید ، در اینجا شما می توانید این نرم افزار را با لینک مستقیم دریافت کنید. در ادامه پست دانلود HPE Custom Image for VMware ESXi 6.0 را با ما همراه باشید.

همچنین اگر vCenter خود را به نسخه 6.5 ارتقا داده اید، پیشنهاد گیگ بوی این است که حتما از Update Manager آن استفاده نمایید.


standard VMware ESXi ISO, is the easiest and most reliable way to install ESXi on HPE servers. It includes all of the required drivers and management software to run ESXi on HPE servers, and works seamlessly with Intelligent Provisioning.

Certain HPE servers require the use of the HPE Customised image for a successful installation. The drivers for the new network and storage controllers in the servers are integrated in the HPE Customised image and are not part of the generic ESXi image that is distributed by VMware. ESXi requires drivers for these controllers to be integrated as you are not able to insert them during installation. To determine if your server requires the HPE Customised image, refer to the Server Support Matrix.

Options for Using HPE Customisations for VMware ESXi

A. Download the completely customised HPE ESXi image.

B. Download the HPE ESXi Offline Bundles and third-party driver bundles included in the HPE Customised image and apply them to your VMware ESXi downloaded from VMware.

C.            Build your own custom ESXi image, choosing from the HPE ESXi Offline Bundles portfolio and third-party driver bundles included in the HPE Customised image.

These downloads are available for customers according to the terms in the HPE Software Licence Agreement. Certain software may require a valid warranty, current support contract with HPE, or a licence fee.


اطلاعات فایل

فرمت: ZIP و ISO

سایز  : 400 مگ و 380 مگ

منبع: گیک بوی

دانلود HPE Custom Image for VMware ESXi 6.0


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